
Happy Turkey Day!

I just figured that I'd do a quick update before I head off to the airport. I fly out at 1:50 PM. Thankfully, the flight is only 2 hours and 15 minutes long. THAT I can handle.

A few weeks ago, Jeff and I put an offer in on the house we are living in. The owners have to short sale it because they can no longer afford the mortgage, but they don't want to foreclose. They are asking about $95k for it, which is an amazing deal. They bought it two or three years ago for over $200k. The cost of a mortgage payment would be about $200 or more LESS than we are paying for rent. This is going to be a long process, though. The banks take their sweet time on short sales, so we aren't expecting to hear back from them for a good 8 weeks or more. If we get the house, we will stay here for a couple of years. If we don't, we have discussed living on base once we are married. It's just a waiting game.

The wedding planning is....going. I still haven't decided on the dresses for the bridesmaids. I THINK I know what I want, but that changes daily. Most of the big stuff is out of the way, at least. Now, I just have to figure out all the little stuff. Piece of cake, right? Ha.

Two weeks ago, Jeff and I went to my annual employee party. I think that we were both less than thrilled to be going, but to our surprise, we actually had a good time. The dinner was delicious! Turkey, mashed potatoes, corn bread stuffing, hot buttered rolls, green beans with almond slivers, salad, and peppermint ice cream. Yum, yum! We won several prizes - nothing special, but we never win anything, so we are easily excited about stuff like that. Then, we danced the night away. Embarrassing, I know. I had to face those people the following Monday....

The next night, Jeff and I participated in the Light the Night walk to help raise funds for the Lymphoma and Leukemia Society. It was fun. We took Toby, who is the most annoying dog to walk on a leash. Good Lord. I wish that he would get the hang of it.

I made some delicious French Onion soup a couple of weeks ago. It was really good, but Jeff was unimpressed. That is the first dish of mine that he didn't like. I could have eaten the whole pot, though! His major complaint? He didn't like the soggy crouton in the soup. Apparently he has never had French onion soup before! That is the best damn part. He doesn't like broccoli, cauliflower, black olives, coconut, and now French Onion soup?! What am I to do with this man? Those are some of my all-time favorites. :(

I took Jeff to the airport this past Saturday. His cousin, Brian, was getting married later that night. So, he flew out bright and early Saturday morning. Toby and I have just been relaxing and enjoying the quiet around here.

Last night I dropped my dear doggy off at our friend Amanda's house. She wants to get her two-year old son, Brayden, a puppy, so she is using Toby to test the waters. I'm a little worried, though, because her house is brand spanking new and I am afraid that Toby is going to "go" in her house. Her sliding door is much, much taller than ours, so our doggy door didn't fit. Toby is used to coming and going as he pleases. Now, all of a sudden he has to wait around for someone to let him out. She works all day, so I suggested putting a baby gate up in the hall, so any accidents can simply be wiped up.

I am both nervous and excited to go to Texas. Yes, I am excited to meet his family, but at the same time, I may die from a fatal heart attack. A- That is a lot of people for me to meet all at once. 2- Questions! There WILL be questions for me to answers. My heart is racing just thinking about it. I don't like to feel interrogated. Nor do I like to answer questions that require me to say more than yes, no, or maybe. I'll play 20-Questions all day, just give me time before asking me to abridge my autobiography for you.

I am very much so looking forward to the food on Thanksgiving. I'd kill for some of my mom's stuffing or purple stuff, but it looks like that will have to wait for another year. This year, I am eating Thanksgiving: Texas-Style.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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