
Happy Birthday To Jeff! :)

What's new? Not too much, but I shall blog anyway.

On October 25, Jeff and I decided to watch "The Haunting in Connecticut." Lame. Anyway, just as the dead kid sits up in the Priest's (or Minister's?) backseat, the doorbell rings. It is my next-door-neighbor. She came over to tell us to check our backyard because she heard a noise and went outside to investigate. She had just put down grass seed earlier in the day and in the mud were footprints that did not belong to her. When she came out, the person jumped the cement wall.

I was freaked out. First, a "scary" movie and now a weirdo in the neighborhood. Fan-freaking-tastic! Of course, it was a Sunday night and Jeff had to leave for work in less than an hour. I did not sleep much that night.

On Friday, I dressed up in one of Jeff's old uniforms for our Halloween party at work. They were big, but I didn't want to go spend money on a costume that I would only need for work. Everyone loved it, though.

Jeff went out with his friends that night to celebrate Halloween. He dressed like a German pilot from WWII. He looked pretty spiffy. He wanted me to join him, but I had no desire to dress like a two-bit whore and prance around a bar. So, I stayed home and cleaned and prepared the stuff for the party.

I was up until about 4:00 AM getting stuff ready. Thank God that I did it the night before! On Saturday, I went to the gym, got home, decorated Jeff's cake, and started to clean up the kitchen. I finished just as our friends, Beau and Nicole, were arriving with their kids. So, I ran through the shower really fast.

We probably had somewhere between 15 and 20 people come to Jeff's birthday party. It was a nice turnout. There were so many babies! I went trick or treating with Nicole and her kids, but not for long. It was hectic, so she decided to turn back.

Everyone seemed to enjoy the cake, which was a relief. I don't have any experience making cakes outside of a boxed mix and a can of frosting. So, making my own was fun, but I was nervous that it wouldn't be that great.

For his birthday, I got him a gift certificate for a massage because he needs one and I got him a 20-round Ruger magazine clip for one of his guns. He loved it!

We played Catch Phrase, which was a lot of fun with the big group of people. Of course, the girls won. No surprise there. :)

The last of the people left around 2 AM. We were dead tired. I was hoping to sleep in on Sunday, but no such luck. Instead, I was up around 8. I went to the gym, came home, showered, and relaxed.

Jeff and I went to Rio Mirage for his birthday dinner. It was delicious, as usual. :)

Our friends Beau and Nicole had an in-home interview with the people from "Super Nanny". They are one of five families in the running from the Phoenix area. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for them! :)

Anyway, that is all I know for now. I should probably head to work. F-U-N!

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